Northeastern University researchers are conducting a family study to understand how technology can help families to be physically active. Our study has been approved by the Northeastern University Institutional Review Board (#16-05-07). All families who participate will receive $160 in
Three #CHI2020 Papers
We had 3 papers accepted to the ACM CHI 2020 Conference. These papers investigate crowdsourcing in faith-based health interventions, crisis informatics technologies amongst older adults, and a storytelling-driven fitness app for low-SES families. Storywell: Designing Family Fitness App Engagement by Using Social Rewards and Reflection.
We’re at #CHI2019 Glasgow
Herman Saksono will present his paper titled “Social Reflections on Fitness Tracking Data: A Study with Families in Low-SES Neighborhoods” at #CHI2019 on Tuesday, 7 May, 16:00, Room Carron 1. Summary of this paper can be found at ACM CHI’s
Talk at the University of Michigan
Dr. Parker will give a talk at the University of Michigan on Tuesday, November 13th, 2018. The talk entitled “Community Wellness Informatics: Designing Technology for Health Equity” will be hosted by the Michigan Interactive and Social Computing Group (MISC). More information
Wellness Technology Lab at #CSCW2018
Farnaz Irannejad Bisafar will present the CSCW paper entitled A Sociotechnical Study of a Community-based Rewards Program: Insights on Building Social, Financial and Human Capital on Tuesday (Nov 6), 9 AM. The abstract is below: Individual empowerment is defined as an increased sense of
Our Three Papers at #CHI2018
Our three full papers were accepted at #CHI2018. These papers are among the 667 accepted papers (out of the 2,537 papers submitted, 25.7% acceptance rate). Our mHealth systematic review paper received a Best Paper Honorable Mention Award (awarded to the top
Social capital and community informatics paper at #CSCW2018
Our paper, entitled “A Sociotechnical Study of a Community-based Rewards Program: Insights on Building Social, Financial and Human Capital“, was accepted to CSCW 2018. Abstract: Individual empowerment is defined as an increased sense of confidence and control over one’s life.
Family Storytelling and Reflection paper at #CHI2017
Our paper, entitled, Reflective Informatics Through Family Storytelling: Self-discovering Physical Activity Predictors, was accepted to CHI 2017.
CHI 2016 Presentation
Farnaz presented our paper, Youth Advocacy in SNAs: Challenges for Addressing Health Disparities, at CHI 2016 in San Jose, California. The video preview of our paper can be found here:
Boston Civic Media
Dr Parker will give an invited talk on the role of HCI research in assessing civic technology at Boston Civic Media’s April workshop.